Primary Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies for ACIDITY or ACID REFLUX

Primary Causes, Symptoms and Home Remedies for Acidity or Acid Reflux 

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Girl feeling acidity keeping her hand on her chest

If the amount of acid produced by Gastric glands is more 

than required to digest food, an acidity problem occurs. 

Image: iStock


Mother nature has created a system or mechanism in our body for the digestion of food we eat. Food works as fuel for our bodies. 

Whatever we eat, is digested by the use of acids produced by Gastric glands in our stomach. 

If the amount of acid produced by Gastric glands is more than required to digest food, an acidity problem occurs. 

Difference between Heartburn, Acid reflux, and GERD

Heartburn involves mild to severe pain in the chest. Sometimes it is mistaken to be heart attack pain but heart has nothing to do with heartburn. Heartburn is concerned with your digestive system.

The heartburn pain may be mild to severe and it may feel worse on bending or lying.

Acid reflux involves moving or jumping of acid backward from the stomach into the esophagus. 

This happens when the muscle, that joins the esophagus to the stomach, is weak.

GERD ( Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is the chronic form of acid reflux. 

Symptoms of GERD may include heartburn,  damage to tooth enamel, bad breath, chest pain, feeling like vomiting, asthma, trouble swallowing, and dry cough. 

GERD is diagnosed when acid reflux occurs repeatedly more than twice a week. 

The primary causes of Acidity

  • Stress and mental pressure
  • Oily and spicy foods and fatty meals
  • Irregular eating patterns or eating habits 
  • Eating meals too fast and in hurry without chewing properly
  • Smoking at regular intervals
  • Consumption of excessive alcohol 
  • Excess of anti-inflammatory drugs or medicines etc.

Primary causes of Acidity or Acid Reflux

The primary causes of acidity are stress, oily & spicy foods, irregular eating, eating meals fast, smoking, alcohol, etc.


It has been seen in the research that stress may trigger acidity and heartburn. 

You may have experienced or heard that at the time of a difficult exam, a presentation or interview or any other stressful situation, people experience acidity or heartburn. 

Stress may slow down the production of prostaglandin, a substance produced by nature in the stomach, which protects the stomach from the effect of acid or acidic substances or fluids. Stress is, therefore, directly correlated with acidity.

Oily and spicy foods

Your body is made of the ingredients you eat. Oily and spicy foods are difficult to digest completely. They may, therefore produce acidic substances as undigested residues. 

This causes a burning sensation that may rise to the throat, giving rise to the feeling of indigestion and heartburn. 

Fatty foods delay digestion resulting in a delay in stomach emptying thereby increasing the reflux system.

In order to prevent acidity or acid reflux, you should control your total fat intake.

Though it is difficult to control eating tasty and crunchy meals, you should try to minimize the use of following high-fat foods:

  • potato chips
  • cheese
  • french fries
  • deep-fried onion rings
  • red meat
  • ice cream 
  • whole milk
  • creamy salad dressings
  • creamy sauces and dips etc.
Easy to say, but difficult to do, try to finish your meals at least 2-3 hours before sleeping. This gives your stomach time to digest and reduces the chances of reflux. 

Acidity, GERD, and reflux problems generally flare up at night.

Irregular eating pattern

Sometimes people carelessly, inadvertently, or knowingly give long or irregular gaps between their meals. 

Particularly, some people, when getting up in the morning, don't break their fast until they have done their routine meditation or workout.

This is not good for the stomach and may cause gastric or acidity problems. 

If you have taken a meal early at night and you take your breakfast late in the morning, the stomach remains empty for long period, giving rise to acidity, reflux, or GERD. 

Many times it happens that we are doing some urgent work and we start feeling hungry but we don't want to leave work unconcluded or incomplete.

Whatever the reason, don't keep your stomach empty for long or you may have to deal with acidity, acid reflux, or GERD.

Instead of taking three meals, try to take five meals in a day so as to fill the gap between meals.

Eating meals too fast and in a hurry

For proper digestion of food we eat, proper chewing of food is required, and to do that God has given us teeth. 

If we eat a meal too fast and in hurry, some of the meal remains unchewed or not properly chewed, making it difficult to be properly digested in our stomach. 

This increases the risk of acid reflux after meals. Therefore, people who eat a meal in hurry or quickly, are more likely to suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease also known as GERD.


Cigarettes contain nicotine. While smoking, nicotine, starting from the mouth, enters the chest and stomach, making a layer of smoke everywhere. 

It hampers the production of saliva. Saliva is secreted by salivary glands in the mouth and is used to wet the food, making it easy to chew. Reduced saliva production in smokers means being less able to neutralize acid reflux. 

One of the main reasons why people smoke is that nicotine relaxes muscles. The esophagus, the route through which food passes from mouth to stomach, contracts to push food down into the stomach. 

But when nicotine causes these muscles to relax, the esophagus is less able to resist any acid that has refluxed. 

The relaxation of muscles in the stomach too hampers and slows down the digestion process resulting in acidity or acid reflux. 


Drinking alcohol has different effects on different people. It varies from body to body. The researchers say that alcohol may boost the formation of acid in the stomach. 

Some others suggest red wine reduces excess acid. I think there is no clear-cut answer as to why alcoholic beverages make the reflux system worse for some people but not for others.

Anyway, if you must drink, it is a good practice to restrict the quantity to the acceptable limit of your body and have some 'no drink days' in a week. Heavy drinking may always result in high acid reflux and heartburn. 

Excess of Anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers

Acidity or heartburn may also be caused by anti-inflammatory drugs aka painkillers. Most of the Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) used for different types of body pains, may cause acidity or heartburn.

In fact, they may result in any of the following symptoms

  • stomach pain
  • indigestion
  • heartburn
  • ulcers
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • bloody stools
It is advisable to 

  • take such medicines only on prescription and consultation with a doctor.
  • avoid taking them on empty stomach
  • take them only in unavoidable circumstances
  • avoid taking them for more than 10 days 
  • never consume alcohol before or after taking a pain killer
  • don't stop on your own the prescribed medicine because of heartburn or any other side effect. Rather call your doctor before taking the next dose. He may suggest you some substitutes or ways to prevent the side effect.

The Symptoms of Acidity

Symptoms of acidity or acid reflux
The symptoms of acidity are a burning sensation in the chest, stomach ulcers, sour belching, and constipation, etc.

Symptoms of acidity include
  • burning sensation in chest, throat, or stomach
  • Ulcers in the stomach
  • sour belching
  • constipation
  • indigestion
  • burning sensation after meals
  • bloody stools or vomiting
  • nausea
Most often, people who frequently face these symptoms, experience them at night.

Most pregnant women have heartburn during pregnancy. The reason for this is a change in hormones and pressure from the growing fetus.

5 Amazing Home Remedies for Acidity

The best home remedies for acidity or acid reflux
These are the best home remedies for acidity or acid reflux

There are many good Home remedies for Acidity, You can use any of them that suits you, depending on the quantum of the problem.

Remedy #1


The habit of chewing 1 clove after a meal keeps acidity at bay.  Cloves promote good digestion. Cloves improve saliva production which helps make food easily digestible. 

People also use cloves in curries and rice dishes not only for taste but to make meal good for the stomach and digestion.

You can also prepare clove tea. Pour one cup of boiled water over a tablespoon of cloves. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, depending on how strong you want to make it. Strain and consume it. 

It gives great comfort to the stomach in the condition of acidity.

I can tell you what I do, I generally drop one or two cloves along with cardamom in my first tea in the morning. Maybe because of this I hardly suffer from gastric problems or acidity.

In case of severe acidity problems, mix 15 to 30 drops of clove essential oil in a cup of warm water and drink it two to three times a day.

However, pregnant and lactating women or people having some other drugs should consult their physician before taking any essential oils.

Remedy #2


You might have noticed that our elders ask for some jaggery after meals. Jaggery is also very good for digestion and relieving acidity, gastric, and GERD problems. 

Jaggery contains high magnesium content which helps boost intestinal strength. Its alkaline nature balances stomach acidity which gives relief from acidity. 

So, always keep gur in a glass jar in your kitchen or on your dining table to take it after meals and keep acidity at bay.

Remedy #3

Harad- also known as Terminalia Chebula or Chebulic Myrobalan or Haritaki.

Did you ever hear from your elders (in India) the name Triphala Churna (powder) meaning a combination of three fuls (fruits)? 

These three ingredients are Harad, Baheda and Anwla. This is a very popular Ayurvedic Medicine used since olden times in India. This has a number of health benefits.

Harad is of two types- Large (yellow) and small (black).

Mix half spoon of small Harad powder with an equal amount of Jaggery. Consume it half hour after dinner for three days. This will give you relief from acidity and indigestion.

This is also good for constipation and headache which occurs due to indigestion or cold.

Harad also helps in weight loss, cough and cold, skin disease, arthritis, constipation, and immunity boosting. 

Remedy #4

Basil Leaves

Basil or Holy basil is used in a variety of medicines in Ayurveda. Basil leaves provide quick relief from acidity since they have anti-ulcer properties. 

Basil leaves reduce the effect of excess acid produced in the stomach.

Basil has carminative and soothing properties that make it an effective herb in dealing with acidity and acid reflux.

Take five basil leaves and one spoonful of Honey. Boil them in one cup of water. Let it simmer for ten minutes and then stain. 

You can also first boil basil leaves in water and then mix honey before drinking. 

Take this water three to four times daily. this will give a soothing effect on the stomach and will heal acidity, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Alternatively, you may also chew a few basil leaves directly in order to get instant relief. Chew the leaves slowly so as to give it time to increase saliva in the mouth

Remedy #5

Take one spoon each of coriander seed powder, cumin seed powder, fennel seed powder one spoon of honey, Mix them in half a cup of water and drink on empty stomach. Repeat this until you get relief.

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Questions People Ask About Acidity and Acid Reflux:

Q. What are the symptoms of acidity?

A. Symptoms of acidity are 

  • A burning sensation in the chest aka heartburn, usually after eating, which might be worse at night or while lying down.
  • Backwash (regurgitation) of food or sour liquid.
  • Upper abdominal or chest pain.
  • Trouble swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Sensation of a lump in the throat.

Q. What is the main reason for acidity?

A. Acidity happens when the kidneys are unable to eliminate an excess of acid produced by the gastric glands in the stomach. 

It frequently occurs with indigestion, reflux, and heartburn. Acidity is typically brought on by eating too spicy food, drinking coffee, eating too much, and eating a low-fiber diet.

Q. How can I reduce acidity naturally?

A.  .Avoid overeating. One of the most effective ways to minimize acid reflux is to avoid the intake of large meals

  • Lose weight

  • Avoid carbonated beverages

  • Drink less citrus juice

  • Limit intake of caffeinated beverages

  • Improve sleeping habits and pattern

  • Reduce intake of alcohol

Q. Which drink is best for acidity?

A. Drinks good for acidity are

  • Coconut water
  • Low-fat cold milk gives instant relief from heartburn
  • Smoothies
  • Vegetable juice
  • Lemon juice
  • Lemon ginger juice
  • Apple cider vinegar.
  • Probiotics

Q. Can drinking water reduce acidity?

A. Later in the digestive process, drinking water can help to lessen acidity and GERD symptoms. 

Frequently, there are areas below the esophagus that are highly acidic, with a pH of 1 to 2. 

You can lessen heartburn by consuming tap or filtered water shortly after a meal to neutralize the acid there.

Q. Is milk good for acid reflux?

A. Dairy. Dairy items, such as milk, tend to be heavy in fat and aggravate heartburn. When you have heartburn or other GERD symptoms frequently, eating high-fat dairy products like cheese can make them worse.

Q. Is lemon good for acidity?

A. Despite how acidic lemon juice is, it can have an alkalizing effect when consumed in little amounts when combined with water. 

This can assist in balancing the stomach acid. One tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice should be combined with eight ounces of water if you choose to use this home treatment.

Q. Is acidity and gas the same?

A. A medical disorder called acidity results in the body producing too much acid. It can cause heartburn, acid reflux, gas, bloating, flatulence, and many other things. 

Q. What happens if we get acidity?

A. Longer meal retention increases the risk of higher acid levels, which can lead to gas formation and, ultimately, bloating, burping, nausea, and acid reflux symptoms like heartburn. 

The stomach may become pressurized if you eat too much.

Q. Is bananas good for acidity?

A. This fruit's mild acidity can soothe an irritated esophagus lining by covering it. 

In addition to being alkaline, bananas are also a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that keeps food moving smoothly through the digestive system.

Q. Which exercise reduces acidity?

A. Exercise that is more moderate and low-impact can be quite helpful for people who suffer from acid reflux. 

Walking, mild jogging, yoga, using a stationary bike, and swimming are all excellent options. 

Mostly, this can assist you in losing weight, which will reduce GERD and acid reflux symptoms.

Q. Is curd good for acidity?

A. Curd definitely plays a part in regulating acidity. Like milk and buttermilk, it is a natural antacid. 

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that natural remedies are effective in treating stomach issues.

Q. Which fruit is best for acidity?

A. Melons - Low-acid fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew are among the greatest things to eat for acid reflux.

Q. Is Coca-Cola good for acidity?

A. Acid reflux is thought to be triggered by soda and other carbonated drinks. 

According to ASGE, bloating brought on by fizzy drinks puts more strain on the lower esophageal sphincter, which results in acid reflux.

Q. Is rice good for acid?

A. Whole grains – Grains with high fiber content, such as brown rice, oats, and whole-grain bread, can lessen acid reflux symptoms. 

They contain plenty of fiber and could aid in absorbing stomach acid.

Q. Which fruits are most acidic?

A. Citrus fruits are the worst culprits. These are acidic because they have low pH values. Lemons, limes, plums, grapes, grapefruits, and blueberries are acidic fruits. 

Acid content is also high in tomatoes, peaches, oranges, and pineapple.

Q. Can we drink coconut water with acidity?

A. For those who suffer from GERD or acid reflux, unsweetened coconut water can be a fantastic alternative.

This liquid is a wonderful source of potassium and other beneficial electrolytes. 

Additionally, it supports the body's pH balance, which is important for controlling acid reflux.

Q. Is milk an antacid?

A. You've probably heard that drinking milk can help with heartburn. 

Although milk can momentarily buffer stomach acid, its nutrients, especially its fat, may encourage the stomach to create more acid.

Q. Does an empty stomach cause acidity?

A. When your stomach is empty, the acid begins to build up since your body is unable to utilize it as it normally would during digestion. 

This causes pain, a burning sensation, and discomfort in your chest and neck when the stomach's acid begins to move into your esophagus.

Q. Is tea good for acid reflux?

A. People who experience acid reflux and heartburn may find relief from beverages like ginger tea, specific fruit and vegetable juices, and plant-based milk.

Q. Is warm water good for acidity?

A. The easiest strategy to reduce acidity and avoid it is to drink a glass of lukewarm water every day before going to bed and the first thing in the morning (on an empty stomach). 

Avoid drinking water while or right after eating because it can cause incorrect digestion and acidity.

Q. Is coffee an acidic drink?

A. The majority of coffee types have an acidic pH range of 4.85 to 5.10. 

The brewing process generates nine main acids, among the numerous other chemicals in this beverage, which add to its distinctive flavor profile.

Q. Do cold drinks cause acidity?

A. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, carbonic acid, a weak acid is created. 

Drinking too much cold beverage causes carbonic acid to build up in the stomach, which is what causes acidity to develop.

Q. What foods make acid reflux worse?

A. Reflux is frequently caused by the following fruits and vegetables: pineapple. such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes; citrus fruits.

Q. How long does acid reflux take to heal?

A. If you have reflux, a medication that lowers stomach acid aids in your body's recovery. 

Healing could take one to three weeks. A crucial component of your treatment and security is follow-up care.

Q. Can you have too much acid in your stomach?

A. Overproduction of stomach acid is a symptom of the rare digestive condition Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. 

Your stomach and intestines may develop peptic ulcers as a result of the excess gastric acid. 

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and diarrhea are among the symptoms. Serious problems may result from untreated conditions.

Q. Is ginger good for acidity?

A. Ginger helps lessen the possibility of esophageal erosion caused by stomach acid. Additionally, ginger can lower inflammation. This might help with acid reflux problems.

Q. Which organ is responsible for acidity?

A. Your stomach's lining contains glands that produce stomach acid and digestive enzymes. These digestive liquids are mixed with the meal by the muscles in your stomach.

Q. Are eggs acidic?

A. The white of the egg is more acidic than the yolk, and eggs are said to be mildly acidic.

Q. Can acidity be cured permanently?

A. Yes, the majority of cases with acid reflux, often known as GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease, may be treated.

Q. Is ice cream good for acid reflux?

A. Many people with GERD experience heartburn when eating ice cream. This is true because fat causes the esophageal sphincter to contract more slowly as the stomach empties.

Q. Is cold milk good for acidity?

A. Acidity is effectively neutralized by drinking cold milk. Milk stops any reflux or burning sensation in the stomach by absorbing acid production there. 

Have a glass of pure, cold milk without any sugar or additions if you feel heartburn or acid development in the stomach beginning.

Q. Are potatoes good for acidity?

A. When served without high-fat toppings and either boiled or baked, potatoes are a healthy choice to help you avoid acid reflux. 

However, try to avoid potato chips and french fries. Despite how delicious they may taste, their high-fat content may make you feel queasy.

Q. Are apples acidic?

A. Anything with a pH between 0 and 6.9 is regarded as acidic. The apple is in the acidic range because its pH is around 3.5. Additionally, apples are acidic due to the presence of malic acid.

Q. Does chocolate contain acid?

A. Because chocolate contains acidic cocoa powder, your symptoms could get worse. A rush of serotonin can be released by cocoa from intestine cells that relax the esophageal sphincter.

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Compiled by: Paramjit Singh Rana

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