Symptoms, causes and Home remedies for PCOS or PCOD

Symptoms, causes and Home remedies for PCOS or PCOD

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Polycystic ovary
In PCOS, the ovaries do not produce normal-sized eggs
      Image: Freepik


In this article, we shall discuss the symptoms, causes, and home remedies for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD). 

This condition is quite common among women these days. About 10%-20% of women suffer from this condition. 

In PCOS, the ovaries do not produce normal-sized eggs and produce multiple small-sized eggs or fluid-filled follicles or cysts. 

Due to the accumulation of these multiple follicles or cysts, the ovary is enlarged.

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that as per medical studies, may be genetic or due to lifestyle or environmental factors.

Symptoms of PCOS 

The symptoms of PCOS may be any one or more of the following

  • Irregular, missing or prolonged periods.
  • Growth of hair on the face. This is due to the production of high levels of male hormones in the body.
  • Acne on face and back.
  • Rise in sugar level and cholesterol level or sometimes thyroid problem.
  • Difficulty in getting pregnant or infertility.
  • Weight gain.
  • Mood swing.
Causes of PCOS

PCOS may be due to any of the following causes

  • Mismanagement of lifestyle and lack of workout or exercise. This may be due to negligence, laziness or work-life imbalance.
  • Use of contraceptive pills.
  • Fasting.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Consumption of junk food, cold drinks, and hot drinks.
  • Obesity or overweight.

Home Remedies for PCOS or PCOD

So many women can be seen taking medications, working on fitness, and making lifestyle changes in order to keep their condition under control.

Though the primary thing is to have a good lifestyle and eating habits, there are good and effective home remedies for it, too. 

They are available in your kitchen amongst everyday food ingredients. You just have to add them to your diet. 

Please refer to the above video for some home remedies for PCOS 

  • The symptoms and side effects of PCOS can be different for everyone.
  • The symptoms may be Acne, menstrual disorder, weight gain, hair fall, abnormal hair growth on the face, insulin resistance resulting in diabetes, etc.
  • Causes for PCOS may be fasting, improper diet and lifestyle, excessive use of contraceptive pills and lack of exercise.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and consume twice daily before meals. Give a break of 3-4 days after two weeks and then restart.
  • Take 2-3 Fish Oil capsules twice daily. They provide Omega 3 fatty acids which are good for controlling PCOS. Give a break of 3-4 days after 2 weeks and then restart.
  • Avoid spicy meals and weight-gaining meals like potato, cheese and maida products.
  • Consume 10 basil leaves daily in the morning. Basil leaves manage your insulin level and control overweight.
  • Avoid or minimize the use of sugar products and use Honey instead of sugar.
  • Reduce intake of wheat and rice. Take fruits like Papaya, Pineapple, Oranges, Grapes Pears etc.
  • Avoid the use of contraceptive pills, alcohol, and smoking and resolve matters giving stress.
  • Add a pinch of Turmeric and Ginger Powders to a glass of hot milk and drink it warm.
  • In order to cleanse your intestines and stomach, do Kunjal Kriya in the morning on empty stomach for a month, on alternate days.
How to do Kunjal Kriya?

Kunjal Kriya is an amazing Yogic technique that pushes toxins out of your body and saves you from many diseases because the reasons for most of the diseases lie in the stomach. 

  • See the above video to know how and why to do Kunjal Kriya, a Yogic technique to cleanse your body.
  • Kunjal Kriya cures a large number of diseases like chest congestion, acidity, gas, cough, nausea, indigestion, food poisoning, asthma, respiratory ailments, headache, migraine, tension, nervous problems and lethargy.
  • It recharges brain cells & mind by shock therapy and improves nervous, digestive, circulatory systems and promotes positive energy.  
  • Warm 2-3 liters of water and mix 1-3 spoons of salt. 
  • Drink this warm water to your full capacity and hold for a minute. Bend down, keeping your head up. 
  • Vomit this water as much as you can easily by slipping 2 fingers or a toothbrush on your tongue towards your throat.
  • Don't worry if in the beginning, small traces of blood cells, undigested food, or mucus comes out. 
  • It may be difficult in the first 2-3 days but clean water will come out thereafter. 
  • Those suffering from Stomach ulcers, Hernia, High BP, Oesophageal varices, or heart disease, do this under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher or physician. 

The difference between PCOS and Ovarian Cyst

Many symptoms of PCOS and Ovarian Cyst are identical and they are related conditions.

It is possible that a woman has Ovarian Cyst without suffering from PCOS.

Ovarian Cysts are sacs filled with fluid that are present in or on the ovaries. Most ovarian cysts occur naturally as a result of a normal menstrual cycle. They are called functional cysts.

Unlike PCOS they do not create difficulty in getting pregnant. 

Generally, these cysts are harmless and disappear on their own without any treatment in a few months.

But if a woman has an ovarian cyst at the time of pregnancy, the size of the Ovarian Cyst also starts increasing with the growth of the child.

We shall discuss Ovarian Cysts in detail in our separate article on Ovarian Cysts. 

Our Other Must-Read Articles:

Questions people ask about PCOS

Q. How do you know when you have PCOS?

or What do PCOS symptoms look like?

A. Whenever you notice Irregular or missing periods, Growth of hair on the face, or acne on the face and back, this may be due to PCOS. You should consult a doctor. The doctor will do an ultrasound. PCOS is visible in ultrasound.

Q. How does PCOS usually start?

A. PCOS starts when the ovaries do not produce normal-sized eggs and produce multiple small-sized eggs or fluid-filled follicles or cysts. Due to the accumulation of these multiple follicles or cysts, the ovary is enlarged.

Q. At what age PCOS starts?

A. Actually ovaries start producing eggs soon after first menstrual cycle, but the problem of PCOS may occur during reproductive age in the 20s or 30s.

Q. Can PCOS go away?

or Is it possible for PCOS to disappear?

or Can polycystic ovaries go back to normal?

A. Generally PCOS cannot be cured but may be controlled with a change in lifestyle, eating habits, and treatment. But it doesn't go away on its own.

Q. Does PCOS last a lifetime?

or Will PCOS go away with age?

A. Yes, but it may be controlled and managed by changing lifestyle, change in diet and treatment.

Q. How do I know if my PCOS is gone?

A. When you start having regular periods and other symptoms like hair growth on face or acne fade away.

Q. Can I pass PCOS to my daughter?

A. Yes PCOS may run in families and pass on from mother to daughter.

Q. Is PCOS a serious problem?

A. Actually PCOS is not a serious or life-threatening problem. About 10 to 20% of women suffer from this condition. But it may affect your health. 

You may suffer from problems like Irregular, missing or prolonged periods, growth of hair on the face, acne on face and back, rise in sugar level and cholesterol level or sometimes thyroid problem, difficulty in getting pregnant or infertility.

Q. What if PCOS is left untreated?

A. PCOS doesn't go on its own It has to be treated. If untreated for long, it may result in diabetes, infertility, obesity and heart problem. 

Q. What is the best age to get pregnant with PCOS? 

A. The best age for getting pregnant for women with PCOS is before 35. Doctors suggest if you find it difficult to get pregnant naturally, the best way is to try often.

Q. Why PCOS is caused?

A. Causes for PCOS may be fasting, improper diet and lifestyle, excessive use of contraceptive pills and lack of exercise. It may be due to family history too.

Q. Can I get pregnant with PCOS naturally?

A. Yes, you can get pregnant with PCOS. The symptoms and effects of PCOS are different for different women. 

You can control PCOS by changing your lifestyle and eating habits. You should work out and control your weight and do or get treatment.

Q. Can PCOS cause gender change?

A. According to Neha Singh, Junior Resident at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS):

NO. IT DOES NOT. So, for all practical purposes, (general knowledge for the general population) just remember that there’s only one thing that determines the genetic sex of the baby, and that is the SPERM. Mother will always provide an X chromosome, be the fetus a future girl or a boy. 

So the maternal chromosome which is always X Chromosome from the ovum will not determine the sex. The Father, on the other hand, releases sperm, now since the father is a Male he has BOTH X and Y chromosomes. 

So some sperm released by the father will have an X chromosome and some will have a Y chromosome.

Now if the maternal ovum with Chromosome X is fertilized by paternal sperm with Chromosome X then it develops into a female fetus and if the ovum is fertilized by Paternal sperm with Chromosome Y, it will develop into a male fetus.

Now, PCOD or PCOS does not affect this chromosomal process. So it does not affect the sex of the baby. PCOD/PCOS can affect the fertility of the lady and hence can cause problems in conception in general that is makes it difficult for the woman to get pregnant in simple words. 

But I will reiterate it again that it does not affect the sex of the baby.

Q. Can I have a normal baby with PCOS?

A.  You may have difficulty getting pregnant and also you may be at a higher risk of having complications during pregnancy. 

Still, you can have a normal and healthy baby with PCOS by bringing PCOS under control.

Friends, in our next article we shall discuss Symptoms, Causes, and Home Remedies for Ovarian Cysts.

Friends, Stay Fit Stay Happy


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