Harmful Food Combinations You Should Never Eat

Harmful Food Combinations You Should Never Eat

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Girl feeling indigestion lying on a sofa
There are specific harmful food combinations you should never eat
 because they can slow digestion and lead to gas and bloating


Ayurveda, a traditional Indian medical system, advises against consuming specific harmful food combinations you should never eat because they can slow digestion and lead to gas and bloating.

Certain meal combinations might even produce toxins in the body, doing more harm than good. 

Ayurveda has developed a method of combining and consuming particular meals together to address this issue and maximize the absorption of nutrients from them. 

Modern nutritional research is not the foundation of food combinations. In fact, some of its tenets conflict with current health advice.

Some harmful combinations of meals you should strictly avoid eating

Please see the above video for reference.

  • Never take Milk with these- Radish, Coconut, Jaggery, Tamarind, Sour Fruits, or Salt.
  • Never take Curd with these- Milk, Rice Pudding (Indian name Kheer), Cheese or Paneer, Musk Melon, or Milk Products.
  • Never take Honey with these- Radish, Grapes, Hot Water, Pure Ghee, Or Hot Meals.
  • Never take Cold Water with these- Peanuts, Pure Ghee, Water Melon, Guava, Blackberries (Jamun), Cucumber, Snake Cucumber (kakdi), Hot Milk, or Hot Meals.
  • Never take Muskmelon (Kharbuja) with these- Garlic, Milk, Curd, Radish, or Milk Products.
  • Never take Guava with Banana.
  • Never take fruits and vegetables together since they digest differently. This may cause heartburn or excess bile reflux.

Some more harmful food combinations you should avoid:

1. Fries with Burger

You might be curious because most burger restaurants serve fries with the burger. But this combination is as bad as it can possibly be. 

Deep-fried foods, such as fries and burger patties, can cause dangerously low blood sugar levels. You'll feel worn out and lethargic if your blood sugar is low.

2. Juice and Dalia

We tend to think that having a bowl of dalia and a glass of orange juice for breakfast is a wise and healthy decision, but we are completely wrong! 

Your blood sugar levels are negatively impacted by this food combination since it causes an immediate spike that, over time, usually results in a sharp decline. 

Such abrupt changes in blood sugar are harmful to your health.

3. Cheese and Beans

You can feel bloated and gassy after eating beans and cheese. For simpler digestion, it is important to keep beans and dairy separate.

4. Fruits with Yogurt

If you have been under the impression that eating fruit and yogurt is a highly healthy decision, you may be disappointed to learn that this is untrue. 

Yogurt's protein is affected by fruit acid, which not only damages the fibers that aid in digestion but also turns it poisonous. 

Meal allergies can also be brought on by this harmful food combination.

5. Banana with Milk

Milk with banana is one of the most toxic food pairings because it might make you feel lethargic. Your body and mind may become sluggish as a result. 

Make sure to include green cardamom, cinnamon powder, or nutmeg powder to help with digestion if you want to occasionally enjoy a banana smoothie.

6. Aerated Drinks with Mint

The interaction between mint and cola has been depicted in numerous videos that have circulated online. Imagine if the same thing occurred inside your stomach. 

That would certainly be a frightening sight! This is due to the fact that mint and cola may make you feel quite uncomfortable by causing excessive gas and bloating.

7. Juice and Cereal

It might not be true if you believe that a glass of juice with your breakfast cereal will provide you the much-needed energy for the day. 

By altering the activity of the enzymes, the acids in fruit juices like orange juice prevent the digestion of carbs.

8. Mutton with Prawns

Although we don't typically prepare both of these forms of meat together, one can indulge in the sinful pleasure of consuming multiple sorts of meat at gatherings or buffet dinners. 

Your digestive system may not appreciate this decision, which could result in an upset stomach or other digestive problems.

9. Nuts with Olive Oil

Olive oil and nuts are another dietary combination that might make you sick. The protein in the nuts and the fat in the oil do not mix well, and this could make digestion more difficult.

10. Potato (Aloo) Fry with Mutton Curry

With curries and gravies, we frequently enjoy aloo fry as a side dish. It might not mix well with meat meals like mutton curry, though. 

Due to the lack of sufficient fiber in this meal combination, stomach issues could result. Consequently, avoid combining these items if you want to avoid stomach issues.

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11. Fruits after Meals

Eating fruits after a meal is among the worst food blunders a person can do. It is not a good idea to combine fruits with other foods. 

This is because fruits digest quickly, but proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates take a long time to digest. 

The fruit sugar may ferment if it lingers in the stomach for an extended period of time and produce digestive issues.

12. Cola with Pizza

Soda and pizza, another combination that most fast food restaurants provide to their consumers, is a particularly unhealthy option for your health. 

Pizza has a lot of starch and protein, which slows down digestion. High sugar levels in cola also contribute to sluggish digestion.

13. Water with Food

Meals and water are one of the worst combinations. This is due to the fact that water tends to dilute stomach acids, which are necessary for properly digesting the food you eat.

Your stomach may find it difficult and have to work harder to digest the food as a result.

14. Eggs with Fried Meat

Eggs and fried meat are also among the worst food combos for digestion. Although most people enjoy this traditional breakfast combination, it can be hard on the digestive system. 

Your digestive system may take a while to digest fried meat, such as bacon, and eggs because they are both high in protein. 

Fresh fruits or vegetables should take the place of one of them.

15. Sweets with Alcohol

When it comes to eating food combinations with alcohol, most of us are quite careful and selective. 

However, one such combination that might lead to mistakes is consuming sweets along with alcohol. 

Alcohol has a tendency to turn sugar into saturated fats, which the body can quickly collect. Green veggies, though, might be a better option.

16. Starchy foods with proteins: 

Starchy foods like potatoes, rice, and bread require an alkaline environment for digestion, while proteins require an acidic environment. 

When eaten together, this can lead to slow digestion and decreased nutrient absorption.

17. Dairy with Acidic Foods

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt require an alkaline environment for digestion, while acidic foods like citrus, tomatoes, and vinegar create an acidic environment. 

This can lead to digestive discomfort and decreased nutrient absorption.

It's important to remember that these are just general guidelines.

It's also important to consider how your body responds to different food combinations. It's therefore best to listen to your body and eat what feels comfortable for you.

Everyone's digestive system is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

Stay Fit, Stay Happy

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