Home Remedies For Anxiety And Stress

Home Remedies For Anxiety

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Girl suffering from anxiety
When a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of
anxiety, it might become a medical disorder


Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. However, when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety, it might become a medical disorder.

Anxiety disorder is characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities. 

Symptoms Of Anxiety 

Symptoms may include: 

  • restlessness 
  • fatigue 
  • difficulty concentrating 
  • irritability 
  • muscle tension and 
  • sleep disturbance. 

Anxiety disorders are treatable and there are many effective treatments available, including therapy and medication.

What are the causes of anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including:


Anxiety can run in families and may be passed down from one generation to the next.

Brain chemistry: 

An imbalance of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals in the brain that regulate mood, can contribute to anxiety.

Life experiences: 

Traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or exposure to violence, can lead to anxiety.

Medical conditions: 

Certain physical health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and thyroid problems, can cause anxiety.

Substance abuse: 

Substance abuse, including alcohol and drugs, can cause or worsen anxiety.

Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol: 

Stopping the use of certain substances after using them for a long time can lead to withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety.

Chronic stress: 

Chronic stress can contribute to the development of anxiety disorders.

It's important to note that anxiety can also be a combination of these factors, and what causes anxiety in one person may not be the same for another.

Additionally, some other factors that may contribute to anxiety include:


People with certain personality traits, such as perfectionism or a tendency to worry, may be more prone to anxiety.

Environmental factors: 

Exposure to a toxic work environment, relationship problems, financial stress, and other environmental stressors can lead to anxiety.

Medical procedures: 

Certain medical procedures, such as surgery or a medical diagnosis, can trigger anxiety.

Lack of sleep: 

Chronic sleep deprivation can cause or worsen anxiety.

Poor diet: 

A diet that is high in sugar and processed foods, and low in vitamins and minerals, can contribute to anxiety.

Caffeine and other stimulants: 

Consuming large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants can increase anxiety.

It's important to understand that anxiety is a complex condition and can be caused by a combination of factors. 

Home Remedies For Anxiety:

Please see the above video for reference

  • Though Anxiety and Stress are different both are emotional problems therefore the remedies are the same for both of them
  • The symptoms of both of them are constant stress, fear of some wrong happening, sleeplessness, shortness of breath, strange behavior or feeling of danger everywhere
  • The causes may be some traumatic life experience, hormone imbalance, thyroid problem, premenstrual syndrome PMS, intake of excessive caffeine, alcohol or sugar intake serotonin dysfunction
  • For remedies, keep yourself engaged in meditation, exercise, listening to music or talking to someone.
  • Boil fresh Rose-petals and a teaspoon of sugar in a cup of water and drink it. It will uplift your mood.
  • Drink three cups of Chamomile tea a day for one or two months.
  • Take 2 Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules daily
  • To distract from feeling of anxiety, hold an ice-cube on your palm as long as you can.
  • Laugh it off. Laughing is good to cure anxiety and stress. Fake laugh will also help
  • Boil 10 Almonds in a cup of Milk and drink warm before going to bed
  • Put a drop of Lavender Oil on your temple or neck. Its odour is relaxing.
These remedies will certainly help.

What Age Group Is More Vulnerable To Anxiety?

Anxiety can affect people of all ages, but certain age groups may be more vulnerable. 

Anxiety disorders typically first appear in adolescence or early adulthood and are more common in women than men. 

That being said, children and older adults can also be affected by anxiety.

Adolescents and young adults may be more vulnerable to anxiety due to the various physical, social, and emotional changes they are going through during this time. 

Children may experience anxiety due to changes in school or family dynamics, or in response to traumatic events.

Older adults may also be more vulnerable to anxiety due to age-related changes, such as declining physical health, retirement, and the loss of loved ones.

Yoga Poses For Stress Management:

Please see the above video for reference.
  • There are very good and effective yoga poses for managing stress or depression
  • First pose is Simple Pose. Sit in the pose folding your legs like in the video. Listen to some spiritual or light music.
  • Second pose is Cobra Pose. Sit as in the above video, lifting your head and taking long, easy breaths.
  • Third yoga pose is Child Pose. See the video and sit in this pose with your forehead touching the floor. Take easy and long breaths.
  • Fourth pose is Dolphin Pose. As in the video, bend to touch the floor with your elbows.
  • Fifth pose is called Bridge Pose. As in the video, bend to lift your hips slowly. Take easy, long breaths and release slowly.
  • Sixth Pose is the Wheel Pose. As in the video, bend your body slowly. Take easy, long breaths and release slowly.
  • Change the duration and repetition of Poses according to your comfort.
  • In addition, do some heavy workouts or running but don't mix Yoga with Workouts. Do them separately. Like, if you do yoga in the morning then do workouts in the evening or vice versa.
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Some More Tips And Home Remedies For Anxiety?

There are also some more home remedies that can help reduce symptoms:

Relaxation techniques: 

Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, can help calm the mind and body.

Healthy diet: 

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in sugar and caffeine, can help regulate mood and reduce anxiety.


Getting enough sleep and establishing a consistent sleep schedule can help reduce anxiety and improve overall health.

Limit caffeine and alcohol: 

Consuming too much caffeine and alcohol can increase anxiety, so it's important to limit these substances.

Connect with others: 

Spending time with family and friends and participating in social activities can help reduce feelings of isolation and improve mood.                      

Talk therapy: 

Talking to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or mental health professional, can help process feelings and reduce anxiety.

If symptoms persist, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional.


Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha, brahmi, shankhapushpi, and jatamansi are commonly used to treat anxiety. 

These herbs are believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body and can help balance the doshas.


Essential oils, such as lavender and bergamot, can be used in aromatherapy to reduce anxiety.


In Ayurveda, a balanced diet that is tailored to an individual's specific needs is considered important for maintaining overall health, including mental health.

Yoga and meditation: 

Practicing yoga and meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and inner peace.


Naturopathy is a holistic approach that emphasizes the use of natural remedies, such as nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle changes, to treat anxiety.

Panchakarma therapy: 

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation therapy that involves five purification processes. 

It can help remove toxins from the body, balance the doshas, and improve mental health.

Massage therapy: 

Ayurvedic massage using warm herbal oils can help soothe the nervous system and reduce anxiety.


Acupuncture, a form of traditional Chinese medicine, involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body to improve energy flow and reduce stress.


Naturopathy uses various forms of hydrotherapy, such as hot and cold showers and baths, to improve circulation, boost the immune system, and reduce anxiety.

Herbal remedies: 

Naturopathy uses various herbal remedies to treat anxiety, such as passionflower, valerian root, and kava.

Lifestyle changes: 

Naturopathy emphasizes the importance of making positive lifestyle changes to improve mental and physical health. 

This may include regular exercise, stress management techniques, and a balanced diet.

It's important to remember that everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. 

Are Stress And Anxiety The Same?

No, stress and anxiety are not the same.

Stress is a normal response to a challenging or demanding situation and can be either positive or negative. 

Positive stress, also known as eustress, can motivate and energize a person. 

Negative stress, also known as distress, can interfere with daily life and overall well-being.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. 

Unlike stress, anxiety is not a normal response to a situation, and it can persist even when there is no apparent stressor. 

Anxiety is a mental health condition that can interfere with daily life and overall well-being.

In some cases, stress can lead to anxiety and exacerbate existing anxiety disorders. 

It's important to recognize the difference between stress and anxiety and to seek help if anxiety symptoms persist. 

Conclusion: It's important to remember that anxiety is treatable and that in some cases, seeking help from a mental health professional is essential.

Question: Which therapy is more suitable for you- allopathy, naturopathy, or yoga? Please share your experience with our readers.

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